Spiritual Resources and Guides
THE BEACONS (Refreshing Winds Ministry Praise Team)
Ark of Safety Ministries, Inc.
Dr. Loretta Joseph
Creflo Dollar Ministries
House of Destiny
Linda Gail Sims – Director, (936) 274-5657
J and A Ministries
Jim and Ann (Webb) Davenport, (281) 636-5100
Joseph Prince – Official Site
Morning Star Ranch | Milano, TX 76556
Andy & Rita Kay Isaacs, (512) 455-2552
Oasis of Prayer Ministries
Reverend Mattie Criddell
Opening Eyes Ministries
Timothy & Madai McCain, President and Founder
Rehoboth Ministry/Rehoboth Fellowship
Elder Josephine Smith, Founder and Overseer, (832) 443-5643
Resurrection Connections
Dorcas Owens, Founder
Sharon Sargeant Ministries
Sharon Sargeant, Founder
Recommended Study and Reading
Throughout our Christian walk, the Lord uses many ways, things, people, devotionals, resources, and materials to make a difference in our lives. Chances are that someone shared Jesus with you or took you to a church service where you first heard the gospel and learned how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The second thing that usually happens upon accepting Christ is when someone tells you to get a Bible and read it. The Bible is the unfaultable word of God and is instrumental in our Christian walk.
There have been times in my life where a study has been recommended, but I wasn’t at a place to receive it. In one case, I purchased a book and workbook and, for five years, would pick it up and put it back down. In God’s time, He used that study to change my life, and I am able to continue to share with others.
We highly recommend Bible studies for individual and group growth. Listed below is a list of resources that have been instrumental in our lives. These are listed in alphabetical order so as not to give one more merit over another.
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller
Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge
Do You Think I’m Beautiful – Angela Thomas
God Chasers by Tommy Tenney
God’s Creative Power-Gift Collection by Charles Capps
Jesus Calling (Devotional) by Sarah Young
Stuck by Jennie Allen
The Tongue – A Creative Force by Charles Capps
When God Whispers Your Name, by Max Lucado
Study Aids/Helps:
Devotionals & Weblinks:
Daily Grace Inspirations From Joseph Prince Ministries –Joseph Prince
His Kingdom Prophecy & The Trumpet by Bill Burns – His Kingdom Prophecy
Impact Ministries by Dr. Jim Richards – Impact Ministries
Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns – Small Straws